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Friday, July 18, 2008

Fly Fishing for Trout-A Quiet Revolution

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So What Brought These Kind of Results About and How Can They Help You?

The feeding behaviour of trout is the sum of two factors:

Take Advantage of my FREE Ebook First:

I want you to understand why you won't find this information anywhere else, so just fill in the form so You can get it straight away. This will provide evidence of the kind of results I've had with these Tips, Techniques and Strategies.

I Never even used to take pictures of my catches, until I was called a liar!
But you'll see what I mean.

rainbow Gain some insight about the author and how his Fly Fishing methods can help you.

brown See Catch photos of Rainbow and Brown Trout caught using this greater understanding of Fly Fishing for Trout.

stream Appreciate how the thought patterns and knowledge base can dramatically improve Your Trout Fishing results.

tying techniques Gain Valuable insight into how Trout behavioural patterns vary significantly between species, size and circumstances - and how to use them to your advantage.

tactics See how to Target Trophy size Trout.

advice Witness the type of angling results this variation to traditional understanding and approaches has already provided the author.

Fly Fishing Techniques

Here's A Taste Of What You Will Discover Inside:
Click here

lake We'll have a quick look at the traditional imitative approach to fly fishing. We'll look at the theory behind it and I'll show you how it is built on a series of assumptions, some of which are simply incorrect.

reel We'll go through what I believe is the logical reality, why, and why it will make Your life so much easier.

reel We'll take a look at the Trout Food 'Recognition Keys', their significance and why they work.

reel I'll show you some of the Worlds most renowned Trout Flies – We'll go through exactly WHY they work and spell out the principles behind them.

reel This information alone will enable you to choose flies far more effectively if buying them.

reel We'll have a look at the few fly tying materials needed to incorporate the Recognition Keys.

reel We'll go through the difference between 'Tying' flies and 'Constructing' flies to perform specific functions to counter or take advantage of how and where you're fishing.

reel I'll take you through the importance of weighting your flies. I'll show you 6 different innovative ways of weighting, depending on the style of fly and how you intend using it.

reel We'll go through 'Knowing Your Quarry', looking at how to take best advantage of the different behavioural differences and characteristics between:

  • Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout
  • Large Trout and Smaller Trout
  • Still Water and Moving Water
  • Lakes and Dams
  • Large Streams
  • Slow Moving Rivers
  • Faster Tumbling Streams
  • and Daylight compared with darkness

reel I'll show You the Single Most Important 'Recognition Key' for Rainbows.

reel I'll show You the Single Most Important 'Recognition Key' for Browns.

reel And how to combine them with others to create sure-fire flies.

reel I'll Expose a simple Hereditary Weakness of Rainbows which will provide an unbelievable response to Your flies!

golden We'll go through Strategies and Tactics You can use as they apply differently to both Browns and Rainbows in many different conditions, such as:

  • Faster Moving Water
  • Slower Moving Water
  • Still Water
  • Deep Pools
  • Wide Clear Flowing Streams
  • Half-Light Conditions
  • Windy Conditions
  • And more ...

speckled Discover how to target the best fish so you don't spook them while wasting time with smaller ones.

fry Discover how Trout habits change during different times of the day and how to use this understanding to advantage.

reel I'll show You how the position of the sun in the sky can help you locate the trout.

fish See how the fish change their feeding habits and behaviour between fast and slow waters.

cast Learn about Stealth, Strategies and Tactics and the Principles behind them. Without this understanding, you could be walking straight past the best fish!

rod Understand why that monster is rarely seen and even more rarely caught.

reel Discover the key things you MUST do to even give yourself a chance at one of those Once-in-a-lifetime fish.

reel You'll also get my TWELVE (12) Different, Killer Trout Flies (plus variations) of my own design or variation that you can tie - eliminating guesswork entirely!

*** These are the ONLY flies I use now. I'll explain the key factors that make them so effective AND the innovations invisible to the eye.***

reel You'll get Step-By-Step construction details, magnified 'X-Ray' views of each fly, instructions on which hooks to use, when and why, material lists and variation options. I'll explain precisely how, where and when I use these patterns to greatest effect.

reel You'll see what You can do while tying Your own flies to make them more effective.

reel You will have the understanding and the principles behind my best flies. You will be able to create your own flies, knowing full well they will work, and work well, before they even hit the water.

lemon I'll even go through with you what to do about mounting trophy trout you catch. I explain the pitfalls and things to look out for when getting it done, and some preliminary advice in case you decide to try and do it yourself.

Click Here to Secure Your Copy of

'Fly Fishing For Trout - A Quiet Revolution' Now!

Rainbow Trout Guarrantee



I will Guarantee that Your investment will be refunded in full if, within three full months, you honestly believe that this E-Book has not, or will not (If you haven't been fishing yet) substantially improve your fishing and results, Regardless of Your current skill level.

brown trout image 5

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Founders Of The Unity Team

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